Last night I woke up suddenly and decided that it was boiling hot in the house and I better turn down the heater. For some reason I woke up Jerad and made him turn on the lamp and then I got up and turned on the bedroom light, bathroom light, and hall light too instead of just walking down the 10 feet of hall in the dark to get to the thermostat..
It was 70 degrees in the house and the heater was off so I decided to get back in bed. While walking back I noticed my side was hurting right under the waist band of my pj pants so I moved them down a little to see if it was irritated or anything. When I looked my whole side was red and bleeding and infected and my pants were kind of stuck in it. I remember thinking "that sucks, I probably can't work out tomorrow" and getting back in bed.
I reached over and turned off the light and was about to ask Jerad to turn off the lamp when I realized that I was bleeding for no reason and it was a BIG deal so I started freaking out and looked at my side again and of course there was nothing. Phew! I'm guessing I woke up in the middle of a dream which is probably why I jumped up and turned on all the lights instead of just walking down the hall and I imagined the whole leprosy thing for some odd reason. It just seemed so real, I can still see it in my mind. Hopefully nothing like that ever happens, and if it does I don't just brush it off:)
I went back to sleep and dreamed that we were on Trading Spaces and Hildy was gluing cotton candy to our walls. Thanks a lot Hildy.
To dream that you have leprosy, suggests that you are not utilizing your full potential. You are wasting away your talents and abilities.
To dream that you are decorating, suggests that you are trying to mask or cover up something. You may be putting up a front instead of addressing the core matter at hand.
You can blambe the fast food if you want... or you can embrace the prophecy of dreammoods. Ha.
If that ever happens again, maybe you should go and see a psychologist. That just can't be normal. Although, the strangest thing happened to me last night as well. I was in the middle of some dream I can't remember. The only thing I can remember is that everything in my dream smelled like hot asphalt. You know, the smell when they tamp down the asphalt and then spray it with hot tar? Anyways, my whole dream was just filled with that disgusting smell. I woke up from the dream and thought that the house was on fire. I laid there for a few second after I woke up and then realized that there was no smell in the air. The only reason the whole thing is odd is that in my psychology class when we did our whole unit on dreams, our teacher told us that you never can smell in your dreams because that's not how your brain works...
Beth: are you calling me a lazy liar?
Melinda: I promise I will go to a shrink if I start thinking my flesh is falling off as a regular thing.
In one of my psychology classes I remember there was this disorder we discussed where normal people were convinced that they were literally rotting... I can't remember what it was called. Just that they thought they were smelly, and oozy, and falling apart but were totally normal.
Again, I think I was just halfway asleep is why I wigged out.
Beth and Stephanie:
OK, so Larry had this weird dream where he was walking in an outdoor mall and he saw a group of shady looking people. He just knew they were going to mug him so he just took out his wallet to hand them the money. He said as he was pulling he money out of his wallet he kept on finding compartments in his wallet that had lots of money. He said the guys were really nice to him but did say they were going to mug him if he didn't hand them the money. What do you think that means? He reiterated that he kept on thinking he had emptied his wallet of money only to find a new compartment with more money it it...
Hmm, I think that it means that Larry just feels like he is a pimp daddy with tons of money. just kidding.
they say that money is analogous to love in dreams, so maybe its like people are stealing all his love, and he is giving away more than he thought was possible and getting nothing in return, and even though people aren't demanding it from him, he will be beat down if he doesn't give it. which in turns means you need to stop threatening to mug him.
Back to you first comment about the smell... maybe Larry farted in his sleep.
I'm just sayin...
Also I don't know if you remember this, but once when you were like 5 and I was 7 I was dreaming about the ocean and woke up realizing that it was you throwing up over in your bed... in your sleep... and I rolled over and pretended like I didn't wake up so I wouldn't have to deal with it. you had cupped your hands and caught a bunch of it and when mom came in she yelled at you to keep holding it so you didn't make MORE of a mess and you were freaking out. I "fake slept" through you crying, mom throwing a fit, your sheets being changed and the carpet cleaned. the next morning I acted all surprised.
wow, sometimes my compassion amazes me.
Melinda.. go to
its a cool site for people who are in to dream interpretations. i have lots of crazy dreams i think its fun to get someone's take on them.
stephanie... yes. i have been trying to tell you for some time now, you are, in fact, lazy, sneaky, fake, and just a waste in general. we are 2 peas in a pod! HA!
Wow, Steph, wow. I don't even know what to say to that. I guess personality develops at an early age :). Hey, actually, I guess the more I think about it and the way I totally hate the barf smell, I probably would still do the same thing today..
Oh yeah, vomit is something I cannot deal with. At all. I have such a bad gag reflex about it. I think thats why no matter how sick... okay drunk I get I will ALWAYS make it to the bathroom, cause if I don't I'd have to move cause there is no way I'd be able to clean it up. Bleck.
i think these comments are as good or better than the blog...fun reading material...seriously though steph is amazing amen
i think these comments are as good or better than the blog...fun reading material...seriously though steph is amazing amen
Wow Steph, you've got him hook, line and sinker. "Steph is amazing amen."
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