Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh hi, I'm still here!

I'm not doing well with the new time change. I have no energy and blogging has taken a back seat. However, now that we have a baby people seem to want to keep updated so here's what's new:

Marshall had his first spill.

While my mom was babysitting him she laid him down for a nap in her bed, surrounding him with pillows. He managed to wake up, scoot over all of the pillows, and off the edge. He got a little rug burn on his forehead and nose. I think she cried more than he did! I know something like that happens to just about all babies, so to be honest I was just glad it wasn't my fault:)

The worst part was it happened 2 days before we were having his 6 month pictures done so we had to postpone them. We didn't want to commemorate the fall with professional pictures:) If it stops raining long enough, we'll do them this weekend. Hopefully in time for Christmas Cards!

Marshall is getting very good at sitting up! He can't get up all by himself yet, but if you put him in a sitting position he will stay there basically until he gets bored with it. He can reach around him or lean over and pick up things then come back up.

For his baby shower we got the same outfit in a few different sizes so I'm going to try to take similar pictures with him wearing it to compare the different ages. Here he is at 2 weeks:

And at 6 months:

If I remember, we have another that should fit him between 9 and 12 months.

6 months has been such a fun age so far! He is so playful and loves being tossed around, swung, tickled, and cuddled.

He is still a big-time bath fan. Whenever I can I put him in the bottom of the tub while I'm taking a shower and he scoots around splashing and laughing.

His chubby little thighs have almost outgrown the bumbo, so we got him a tie chair to sit in while he watches daddy or mommy cooking.

Its perfect! I love how it folds up so small for taking to restaurants! He loves to watch and listen to us making dinner, but is still not eating solids so we didn't want to buy a high chair that would be taking up our precious kitchen real estate.

When we are cooking we always narrate what we are doing, show him the different vegetables and tell him what they are called, let him smell them, he gets really into it. I wonder if anyone's first word has been 'olive oil?'

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