Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Sunday morning Jerad got up with the kids at 6 so I could sleep in a little. The night before had been rough, both Marshall and Miller caught the cold that Jerad had last week and took turns all night waking up crying and coughing. I can't wait until they're old enough to blow their own noses! None of us really got any sleep. By Sunday morning I was sick too so we decided to cancel all our plans, keep our germs to ourselves, and hang around the house.

At 9am Jerad brought me this delight in bed:

My all time favorite breakfast food is homemade waffles topped with syrup, strawberries, and whipped cream. Right now we're eating paleo so the waffles and syrup were a no-go. He used this recipe for a grain-free oven baked pancake, then topped it with some fresh raspberries, a touch of honey, and some cream whipped with vanilla extract (so basically non sweetened whipped cream).

It was sooooo good.


Staying at home didn't end up being so bad. I napped whenever the kids did (heaven), and Jerad put the finishing touches on our family room project, and built and primed the cabinet doors for the built-in.

Marshall spent some time outside playing with tractors and tempura paint:

And painting the dog (his whole side was covered in paint by the end):

Poor little sick boy:

Last year I found out I was pregnant on Mother's Day (the day after Marshall's 1st b-day party). I can't believe its already been a year! Miller already feels like such an integral part of our lives, its strange that he's only been here such a short time.

Since I didn't get out of my pajamas all day and we were all sick, I didn't get a family picture. But I did get a picture of the humidifier:

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