Thursday, March 20, 2014

Still here

Well, it's been a little over 4 weeks since we enrolled Miller in preschool 2 mornings a week with Marshall. 

had these visions of using the 4 hours to sit in a cafe and slowly savor a cup of coffee while Emery happily played in the stroller and I caught up on blogging. Or maybe walking downtown and window shopping. Or meeting a friend for breakfast and getting to slowly chew my food. Or maybe going crazy and getting that pedicure that's 6 months overdo. 

This funny thing happens when you have three kids three and under -- all of a sudden having "only" a baby to take care of literally feels like having no kids. So I was looking forward to savoring some "no kid" time.

Except the 4 hours is really more like 3.5 because usually the kids eat breakfast too slow and we're a little late. Then by the time I walk the boys in and give them hugs and kisses and drive home I have about 3 hours left. Then I discovered pickups go a lot smoother if I get there a little early so they get to play a bit instead of me swooping in and them having to stop what they're doing to go home. So all in all I have a 2.5 hour block of "free time" twice a week and I've consistently used it to go grocery shopping and run errands. A few times I've gone to SLO to pick up building permits or special order materials for Jerad because it seems silly for him to have to stop working and drive all that way when I'm free. 

Things are going great. I'm really in the groove these days. Our weeks are packed with play dates, park trips, adventure walks, crafts, story times, library/zoo/swim/beach/random trips. Sometimes days go by without any tantrums and lately even nap time and bedtimes have been a breeze. I'm cooking all of our food from scratch and we're on a mainly paleo/primal diet. Heck, most days I'm even on top of our never ending laundry situation. 

Jerad's business is going great, he's currently having to schedule new jobs about 2 months out and is working on a bunch of large projects! Which means that we see him for about 20 minutes in the morning most days and everything else is up to me. I don't have any help (aside from the aforementioned 2.5 hours T/TH). It was hard enough getting our families to babysit when we had two kids so close in age... Then we went and added a third! 

At the end of the day I just don't have energy for One More Thing. So blogging has taken a back seat. I guess I'm so busy living my life I don't have the time to talk about it:) I have a million things I want to write about. Um, Emery will be 9 months soon and I haven't even written her birth story! But I *love* looking back through old blogs and reliving Marshall's and Miller's baby days and remembering things I would have completely forgotten had I not taken the time to blog about. So I'm going to try to do better. I think I say that every few months and for the past 2 years it's just gotten worse and worse. Maybe this time I'm actually telling the truth? :)

And since it has been so long, here's a few recent pics:

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