Thursday, January 26, 2012

6 weeks

Miller had his 6 week Well Visit yesterday. He's up to 11lbs and 3 oz. I don't really know what to say about the last 6 weeks. They've gone very smoothly. I was a little nervous because I knew Jerad was going to be working out of town/state for at least 4 days a week for the first 2 months after Miller was born. He's actually been in Georgia for the last *7* days! Taking care of two babies alone seemed a little daunting but its actually been incredibly easy, well I'm not sure you can ever call raising children easy... but I'm not sure what other word to use. So far he's just fit right into our lives like he was always here.

A friend made the comment on facebook that "you know how after you have your 2nd baby, taking that new baby with you places feels like having no kids at all compared to your older child?" And man is that soooo true! If I have just Miller with me its a piece of cake. All he does is eat and sleep. There's no snacks and water bottle to pack. I don't have to schedule outings around his naptime. He never looses a shoe or gets bored shopping. He doesn't have opinions yet! If he's upset, he'll just nurse then pass out. Seriously love this newborn stage. 

Right now Miller has about 3 "awake" periods a day. Most of the time they are during Marshall's 2 naps and the first two hours after he falls asleep. Which is good and bad. Its good because I get to spend alone time with both kids, but not so good because I don't really ever have a chance to rest or nap myself. Miller wakes up to nurse 2-3 times most nights but falls asleep immediately after.

To be fair he does have about a 2 hour fussy period every night from about 7:30-9:30 which is a crappy way to end the day. I've tried EVERYTHING. Walking, rocking, nursing, pacifier, gripe water, bath, singing, babywearing, bouncing on a yoga ball, lights on, lights off... he's just pissy. I know its only temporary so I don't mind too much. Marshall was never like this so I know its Miller's issue and not something that I'm doing wrong. Most nights I just put a movie on netflix on my laptop, put on headphones so I don't have to hear him as much, and nurse and rock him in the rocker in my room. Maybe not the ideal solution, but its the best I can do on my own and probably preferable to shaking him or locking him in a closet right? Kidding.

Marshall loves his new baby brother. He asks to hold and give him kisses a hundred times a day, likes to pat and poke and pry open his eyes and share his toys. Its pretty cute. 

Prepare for photo overload:

Jamba Juice outing, 1 week.

First real bath, 10 days old.

First Bath.

Christmas Eve, 11 days.

2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

3 weeks (hanging out in the wrap while I clean)

3 weeks and looking dapper

3 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks

4 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

5 weeks

5 weeks

6 weeks and pissed about a sink bath

6 weeks

6 weeks

6 weeks

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Newborn Photos

Here are a few of my favorite pics from the newborn photo shoot we did at 5 days old:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week One

The first few days after Miller was born were pretty chill. We did a lot of staring and snuggling.
Day 1

Day 1

Day 1

Day 1

Day 2
Day 2
Day 3

Day 3

Day 4
Day 5

Day 5
On day 3 our midwife came for a home visit. Miller was only down to 7lbs and 13 ounces (3 ounces down from his birth weight) because he eats all.the.time.

On day 4 we started cloth diapers. I forgot how cute little newborn fluff-butts were! 

On day 5 we had his newborn pictures taken in the afternoon, and then 25 people over to celebrate Christmas that evening. We had thought about canceling, but decided it would be more relaxing to do it at our house so we wouldn't have to load up both kiddos or have to leave early to put Marshall to bed. Everyone brought food and it worked out really well!

On day 6 we dropped Marshall off at my mom's and took Miller with us to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie. In case you didn't know this, going to the theater with a newborn is AWESOME. There is a short period of time (a month or 2) where they will just sleep through the movie, or if they do wake up they'll just eat and pass back out.

I forgot how much I *love* the newborn stage. They're just so cuddly and make those cute little sounds. Even if they cry, its not like they can flail or demand things or throw an actual fit. They're not as "fun" as older babies that smile and coo and can play, or toddlers who can communicate and run and jump and do funny toddler things, but it is a really sweet time. We tried to soak up every second because now we understand how fast the time flies.

Jerad was able to take the first week after the birth off and again just amazed me by how awesome he is. Every day he woke up with Marshall, would make him breakfast and play with him, then bring me breakfast in bed. For the whole week he did all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, dog walks, errands, and took care of Marshall. I recovered, nursed Miller ever 30 minutes (or so it seemed), and tried to sleep as much as possible because on day 7 Jerad left town for a job in Pasedena and was gone for 5 days.


I kind of had a baby then just dropped off the face of the earth huh? Its actually because things have been going so well. I feel like I have this mom of two thing down pretty well. Miller is pretty chill and so far has just fit right into our lives without creating any havoc. Jerad has been working out of town a lot and I usually manage to get me and both babies out of the house to do something every day. We take lots of trips to lots of parks, Children's Museum, Gymnastics, hikes/walks, run errands... I was even brave enough to take them both clothes shopping.

Right now Miller is usually awake for three different 2 hour periods a day... and they are during Marshall's 2 naps and the first 2 hours after he goes to bed at night. Anyways, that doesn't leave me with much time to blog. By some miracle they are both napping at the same time so I'll try to catch up a little.