Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

 Well I didn't get many pictures of trick or treating. I didn't get any of Miller, he just sat in the Ergo looking miserable most of the night:) We almost didn't go. Both kids were a little sick, hadn't napped well and were tired, Jerad and I aren't big Halloween people, and it was just bad timing. Seriously, Halloween should always be on a weekend! However, we did end up venturing out. We brought the kids to see both of our parents briefly, then the plan was to meet up with some friends at a little kids carnival... that ended up not being open this year.

So we improvised and parked at another friend's house and trick or treated in their neighborhood.

It took Marshall awhile to get it. He completely walked in to the first 5 houses. Whoops. Finally he got the hang of it, but since he's never had candy he didn't understand what people were putting in his bag:)

Towards the end of the night we let him have 2 suckers and he was in little boy heaven. He kept saying "oh candy, it's sooooo yummy!"

The Zoo!
The whole drive home Marshall was screaming/singing a song he made up that went "KIDS KIDS KIDS!!!! I Looooooooooove KIDS!!!." So I guess it was a success after-all.

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