Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like....

Christmas! Our tree is up and decorated, our Christmas signs are hung, Christmas cookies made and given out, and lights are shining. I can't believe its only 11 days away. I got an early start this year, bought my mom's Christmas present on Mother's day, bought my dad's about a month after.... then I sort of just stopped. I think I'm mostly caught up now, I just need to get Jerad's present and I'm done with shopping.

My sister and her husband wanted us to find them presents out of stuff we already had this year. I was excited about the idea, but having a really hard time coming up with gifts. Then I thought of the.most.perfect.thing. I think its better than anything we could have bought them, I'm soo excited! Jerad's family does a gift exchange which makes it super easy. I drew one of Jerad's brother in laws and already sent the present with his mom who was visiting for Thanksgiving.

Figuring out this year's Christmas schedule has been hard. My sister and her husband are going to be out of town this year. Normally Jerad and I leave the day after Christmas for our annual Yosemite trip, but because of Jerad's days off this year, we have to leave ON Christmas. We'll come back Monday. In light of all the drama with his sister this year, plus our time limitations, I think we are leaning towards just doing Christmas with my family this time and maybe Christmas Eve with his parents instead of trying to spread ourselves too thin. His extended family does a dinner/gift exchange about a week before Christmas so we'll get to see them as well. They found out I bake pies a few years ago, so we are in charge of pies. Now that I have a Kitchenaid stand mixer, making the dough will be a million times easier!

Since our house is so "Christmas-y," we're going to do Christmas Day there. It will work out perfectly because we can pack the car the night before, then everyone show up in the morning for breakfast and presents, and after wards just load the dogs and Addy in the car and go! Well, assuming that Jerad, I, Addy, 3 large dogs, all of our stuff and firewood for 4 days can somehow fit in our small SUV.

I'm really excited about Yosemite. I know I won't be the most comfortable, and probably not up to long icy hikes, but its our special thing and I'm sure we won't be snow camping this time next year:) Actually, maybe we can take the baby and stay in the Lodge. That would be a fun change! Usually we go with a few friends but this year we're just taking my littlest sister Addy and the dogs. It will be her first time as well as Wyatt's.

I keep checking the weather report hoping for snow, so far there is snow on the ground but its not that deep. Which reminds me... we don't have snow chains for the new Kia. I should probably get on that.

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