Monday, July 25, 2011

Playing hookey

Today I'm doing something I've only done once before... sending Marshall off to my mom's house, but instead of going to work, I'm STAYING HOME. And doing hopefully nothing. I'm not going to lie, I am pretty excited about the situation. Normally if I call in sick to work, I keep Marshall home too. I'd feel guilty just shipping him off otherwise, plus I like spending the extra time with him.

The thing is, its pretty impossible to actually rest while caring for an infant or toddler.

My mom left me a voicemail a few days ago saying she hoped she wasn't waking me up from my nap. Bwahahahaha I would be STOKED to get a daily/weekly nap! Notsomuch. When I'm home and Marshall is sleeping, that's the time I have to get stuff done or have a little "me time" to check emails and pay bills.

I've been sooo tired with this pregnancy. Just wiped out. Last week Jerad worked out of town from 3:30am on Monday morning until late on Thursday, then was in the office on Friday so really he wasn't around to help between Sunday night and Friday night. This week he is leaving either tonight or early tomorrow morning for probably another 4 days. I need to catch up on a little rest and recharge so I can make it through the week.

My goals for today include; RESTING; baking a few loaves of bread, and folding laundry while watching Netflix.

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