Stats from the appointment:
I am 25ish weeks along and measuring 24 weeks.
The baby's heartbeat was about 140 bpm and strong.
I've gained 18 pounds. I'm actually surprised that number isn't a little higher due to the holidays, snacks people gave us for the holidays, eating camp food for 4 days, and my new found love of dessert:)
Everything is going good. I'm healthy, happy and for the most part enjoying everything. besides a few indulgences for Christmas and camping, I'm doing really well sticking to the Brewer diet. Our HypnoBabies home study classes are going great, and I am in love with our doula! We met for coffee last week and she is such a good fit. We have a lot in common. She's meeting with Jerad and I at our house the end of this month, then we'll have 1 or 2 more appointments before she comes over for the birth.
I do have a love/hate relationship with feeling the baby kick. Everyone kept telling me how great it would be, how much I would love it, how it would make me feel close to the baby.... but honestly feeling something squirm and beat me up from the inside out is somewhat creepy/painful. I'm happy to know that our baby is growing and is so strong, but the kicks are VERY strong now. Sometimes when I'm at my desk he kicks so hard that it startles me and I jump. Besides being able to feel the kicks from the outside, you can see them now too! At night when we are laying in bed and Jerad reads out loud, the baby starts jumping all over the place:) Either he likes hearing Daddy's voice, or wants him to be quiet.
I feel like I'm running out of room. I know over the next 15 weeks I'm going to get much much bigger, I just don't see how its possible! My skin is stretched soooo tight, and I already feel really uncomfortable in my ribcage. Bending down and getting back up isn't so easy anymore either.
I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, because I'm pleased as punch to be preggo. honestly. I know what an "easy" pregnancy I've had so far and I'm grateful. *NO* morning sickness, seriously, how lucky am I? Its just the feeling that my ribcage and stomach are about to split open that I'm not so keen on.
I can't believe there is only 15 weeks to go. This pregnancy has FLOWN by so far. I'm figuring that the baby will be a few weeks late, that way I can't be too disappointed when my guess date comes and goes. That said, I won't complain if he decides to come on time or a little early. Jerad likes to remind me that "babies are born on their birthdays--not their due dates."
Now its getting time for all the fun stuff! My best friends are throwing me a babyshower, and I cannotwait! It is going to be a joint shower for me and my friend Kari, who is also due with a boy just 3 weeks later than me. My mom and sisters are planning another shower for all of the families/family friends. They are all so excited, its going to be a blast.
We are also almost ready to start working on the nursery. I've been compiling pics of things I like and just need to pick colors and a theme. Jerad wants me to show him what I like and then do everything himself as a surprise. Its super sweet, but I am the one who usually does the decorating so I'm a little nervous to hand over ALL control. It will be so nice when its done, like proof that a baby is actually going to be arriving soon!
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