Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bring on the stress...

We had such a productive night last night!

After work I stopped by a lady's house and picked up 60 free glass baby food jars and the little plastic ones with the snap on lids and a few empty baby wipes containers. I found her on Craigslist and she was giving them away with a little message about treading lighter on the earth. The glass jars will be great to store craft stuff in, use for craft projects, use to put lunch things in like dressings or sauces, or candle holders. The plastic ones will be great for Jerad to store nuts, bolts, and screws in the basement in. The wipes containers I can spray paint and use as little storage bins. I am way too excited over this.

When I got home I stained the new planters that Jerad made for me a few weeks ago, and am hoping to get the garden planted before this weekend. Jerad worked on finishing up the hardyboard in our back bathroom shower which STILL isn't finished. He also bbq'd us garden burgers.

Last night felt like summer. Working in the backyard listening to the sound of Jerad drilling and sawing away with the smell of bbq wafting over the fence. Love it.

Tonight I am planning on staining the fence that Jerad and Larry built in September and I still haven't gotten around to doing. Jerad is hoping to get up the rest of the hardyboard in the shower if he can. Apparently the last homeowner framed the window crooked and he has to fix that first or it will look wonky once the tile is done.

Thursday and Friday night we are working on our quilt with Jerad's mom, Friday afternoon I am going birthday shopping with my sister, Saturday morning we are doing wedding stuff, Saturday night we are having a big bbq, and Sunday celebrating Easter with Jerad's fam. Somewhere in there I need to go to the store, get ready for the bbq, and do my pre-company/pre-party cleaning.

Bring on the coffee!


Beth McDermott said...

overambitious, much? ;)

Sheryl Cowan said...

What wedding stuff are youuuuu doing??

Steph said...

ha oh ya, I guess that was a little vague. We're checking out the reception site for Tina and Tom's 06-06 wedding so I can nail down how I want to decorate.

Its nice because their wedding is pretty much just how we want ours, and I get to plan and put together all of the decor... so we get like a "practice run."