Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Can you say "Awkward?"

There have been so many times where I have had things shipped to my house and they try to deliver them while I'm at work and they need a signature and I'm not there... You get the drill. I've gotten used to just having everything shipped to my job since there is always someone here to sign for it.

So I didn't even think twice as I ordered something completely inappropriate and embarrassing and had them send it here. The even more worrisome thing is that about 20% of the time the young shipping clerk guy we have OPENS the packages by mistake. Great. they already think I'm a freak.

I guess I can always say its gift? Hmm, that would be even weirder:) The company name isn't weird, it just gives the impression of something totally different that is going to spark another conversation that I don't want to have. They are all going to be talking about me downstairs. Hopefully he just reads my little name, and brings it on up. Right? Cause I always have good luck like that. Ha!


Big M said...

Spit it out, what the hell did you order?

Steph said...

Thats okay... DAD randomly reads this... Jerad's family... coworkers... random people that don't need to know the specifics:)

Big M said...

Hahaa, now we're all probably thinking it is something MUCH naughtier than it is...

Steph said...

Well thanks for THAT!