Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday's can bite me.

Fabulous things so far today:

1.My sister Addy spent a few nights with us last week and forgot her school bag. Which means I had to drop it off today. Before I had to be at work. At 6:30AM.

2. I stayed up till midnight last night writing two essays that we have to write on a history test tonight. I thought if I did them in advance I could study them throughout the day and actually be prepared... yeah, left them both at home.

3. I had to cram drive time, lunch, and a trip to Michaels into a 30 minute lunch break.

4. Ms. Cashier Twelveyearold at Michael's refused to accept $4.25 worth of coins as a valid form of payment. Um, last time I checked that was still a legal form of tender... okay, I'll use my credit card...

5. Cashier Canbitemyass also will not accept a passport as a form of ID for said credit card? What? Nor will she call the manager because there is a line... so, not only was that whole thing embarrassing. I didn't have time to eat because of it. Also I would like to say that it was mostly quarters i was giving her, and a few dimes... not like 425 pennies or anything....

5. The power is out in our panama office which means I have to do everything by phone instead of email. This means I have to use my wonderful *cough cough* spanish speaking skills. Try that on topamax.

6. Its only 1:09 pm which means this day can still get a whoooooooole lot worse.

Where is the alcohol when you need it?


Beth McDermott said...

ok, i just want to say... wtf!??!?! you need to call michaels and talk to the manager yourself and bark up a tree on that one. $4.25 is SOOOOOO not alot to pay in quarters, ITS LEGAL TENDER, if you want to buy groceries with $100 in pennies hey, the GOVERNMENT makes them... kiss it! also. passport isnt a valid form of ID, yet security will allow terrorists to enter our country when they show one at airport checkpoint...? um... if you didnt slash some tires on the way out of that parking lot, im soooo hopping in my car right now and doing it for you...

Steph said...

Ya, right? They are lucky I'm walking around in a drug induced delirium lately cause RIDICULOUS! ahh whatever. I went back later and had no problems.