Monday, April 7, 2008

Not as much junk in this trunk!

Last Thursday I had my first Curves weigh-in..... drum roll.... down 5.5 pounds and 12.5 inches. The 12.5 inches isn't quite accurate because the original lady who took my measurements did it with my sweater on. So, that had to account for a few inches. Also it was really 14.5 inches but I gained 2 in my thighs... one in each (yeah like I needed more inch-age there) that they tell me is muscle. Whatever. It is probably accurate to say that I lost like 7-8 inches.

At first the old eating disorder part of me kicked in and I was pretty upset that I have been working my butt off and had only lost 5 pounds. Heck, in highschool I could loose double that in 3 days by not eating. Then the former nutrition major kicked in and reminded me that 5 pounds in a month was a healthy loss and the kind that actually stays off blah blah blah. If I keep up that pace I'll be 20 pounds lighter by bikini season and almost 30 by my birthday. Clearly not bad!

After I started feeling good about my hard work and that I've made myself workout 3-6 times a week for the last month, I started wondering where the pounds and inches had come off of. My clothes don't fit any different.... I can see a bit of a difference in my shoulders and arms but I think thats just new muscle.

Then as I was getting dressed today my worst fear came true. I definitely lost all that weight in my butt and boobs. Yeah. There is NO doubt. Its not like my rear got smaller in a nice, trying to get more proportioned with my hopefully upcoming slim body. Nope, it just substantially flattened out. Then there's the boobs... I was a full C cup before. Now my bra has enough room to stick stuff in. Like some extra money, my keys, wallet, cell phone... waterbottle... just kidding, but seriously. Not exactly hugging my curves.

I would like a diet where I can designate where the weight comes off of and in what order and in would go like this:
3)love handles

Do you see butt or boobs on that list? No. Whats the point of loosing weight if you can't even fill out a bathing suit? Maybe I'm vain, but I would like to be healthier, thinner, but save the ta ta's and keep some junk in the trunk if you know what I mean. I guess I'm going to start doing rear-end shaping exercises.... before it comes to this

Oh joy. How do I hold on to what's left of my chest? Seriously though...


AGSoccerMom said...

You actually lost more weight than you think, as muscle weighs more than fat! The more muscle you gain the more fat you loose. Without even trying. Scales are evil. Pick a size and make that your goal!

Steph said...

I know:) I'm trying to be good. I didn't weigh myself once all month. And with as sore as I've been all month I'm sure I have built some muscle! An inch in each thigh for sure haha

Mommy to 4_littleindians said...

well think of this...I am still losing weight, yet my belly is getting bigger...kinda crazy, but for being preggo...I am excited to be losing as long as the twins are getting what they need...

Beth McDermott said...

i dont appreciate pictures of my backside being posted in your blogs. haha. seriously tho. you know i can relate.

Anonymous said...

Look on the bright side, you will be able to fit into the cute target pants you always love and can't squeeze your ass into! Flat butts have their perks too missy! That's what all the junior's pants are made for!